Project Information
Project year
Big Idea
Empowerment through Work!
Essential Question
Can secondary and high school learner get gig work opportunities while continuing their education?
Project Description

VieJobs is an innovative service addressing youth unemployment and lack of employability skills. We connect secondary and high school learners, aged 16-20, to temporary gig work opportunities through a user-friendly website and mobile application. By participating, learners earn income and acquire vital 21st-century life skills, preparing them for the workforce. Financial literacy sessions on budgeting, giving, spending, saving, investing, borrowing, and debt management further empower them. With a focus on practical skills and promoting financial literacy, VieJobs aims to reduce youth unemployment. Our comprehensive efforts create a brighter future for Bulawayo's youth, fostering economic growth and empowering young individuals.

Project Portfolio
  •  VieLog Personnel Services Agency_Ciena Solutions Challenge Submission.pdf

    VieLog Personnel Services Agency_Ciena Solutions Challenge Submission.pdf

    2024-03-15 08:36:15


Use this linked template  as a guide for your submission

Goal 4: Quality Education
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Student Reflection Video
Student Reflection Video