Project Information
Big Idea
Empowering Teen Voice
Essential Question
How can Teen Talk create a safe to have empowering dialogue within marginalized communities?
Project Description

Inside Out is a youth advisory group within the Sowing Seed with Faith organization that facilitates activities for youth led by youth. Our group seeks to enhance monthly Teen Talk discussions by creating a youth-led podcast amplifying youth voice. Our mission is to create an inclusive space for dialogue within communities affected by violence, low-income households, and education barriers. Through engaging conversations, we aim to empower and uplift the unheard narratives of resilient young individuals, fostering connection and understanding. The Teen Talk Podcast strives to inspire community change, challenge stereotypes, and build bridges between youth and adults within Louisville, Kentucky.

Goal 3: Good Health and Well Being
Goal 4: Quality Education
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
Project Portfolio
  •  Teen Talk Podcast!.pdf

    Teen Talk Podcast!.pdf

    2024-03-12 12:38:18


Student Reflection Video Link
Student Reflection Video Link
Project year