Project Information
Big Idea
Nutrition Security
Essential Question
How can we use recyclable materials to solve hunger and food insecurity in our community?
Project Description

Our project seeks to address the global challenge of food insecurity, poor nutrition and land shortage. We are facing a problem of food insecurity due to land shortage as a result of factors like increased human activities especially industrialization and urbanization. These have damaged our environment further through plastic pollution, ozone layer depletion and soil pollution. To address the challenge of food insecurity, keeping land shortage and plastic pollution in mind, we decided to come up with a vertical urban garden using plastic waste. We hope to provide food at the same time conserve the environment. 

Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Goal 3: Good Health and Well Being
Goal 13: Climate Action
Project Portfolio
  •  Savour the Flavour of Green .pdf

    Savour the Flavour of Green .pdf

    2023-02-28 00:24:34


Project year