Project Information
Big Idea
Student Voice Choice
Essential Question
What systems or innovations are need to survive on Mars
Project Description

The Mars Habitat project created by middle school students, allows them to research and learn about the challenges scientists and engineers face in creating safe and sustainable habitats on other worlds. It encourages them to learn more about the careers involved and empowers them to have a voice in the future. The project involves student teams led by female captains to research and develop solutions to 5 categories in creating a Mars Habitat. The categories: Life support and renewable energy sources, Habitat design and construction, Mars agriculture and food production, Mars suit design, and Exploration and Drone Rovers.

Goal 4: Quality Education
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Project Portfolio
  •  Link to Slide_.pdf

    Link to Slide_.pdf

    2023-02-26 10:13:32


Project year