Project Information
Project year
Big Idea
Essential Question
How can we end hidden hunger among students ?
Project Description

Hidden hunger is a state of deficiencies in humans caused by insufficient consumption of vitamins and minerals. Hidden hunger is a big problem especially in schools where students are fed on only posho and beans without any vegetables or fruits at all. Micronutrients are important for good health, strengthening the immune system, normal brain growth and high academic performance. Lack of sufficient vegetables and mineral salts in the diet leads to low academic performance among students.

To tackle hidden hunger we have embarked on school vegetable gardens to provide enough vegetables for  micro nutrients to students in school.

Project Portfolio
  •  Ciena  Ngora vegetable growers ppt pdf.pdf

    Ciena Ngora vegetable growers ppt pdf.pdf

    2023-03-01 13:53:57


Use this linked template  as a guide for your submission

Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Goal 3: Good Health and Well Being
Goal 4: Quality Education